Welcome To Ouid.com

This is our new site! It took us some time but you can now order cannabis for pick up at our brick and mortar location in Ottawa, as well as purchase blends and accessories online to be mailed out. 

We are both an accessories producer as well as a licensed cannabis retail store in Ontario. 

Our license prevents us from mailing cannabis directly to consumers, which is why we only offer that as a click and collect option. To order cannabis, click the Order Cannabis" button in the menu. You must be local and be able to pick the product up yourself with a valid ID at 34 Highbury Park Dr. Nepean, Ontario.

To purchase blends or accessories click the "Blends" or  "Accessories" button in our menu. You can be from anywhere in the world! We can ship these all to you. 

Happy Shopping.

The Ouid Team